Preachers Get In Trouble Sometimes

Preachers in local work sometime get into trouble for writing or preaching what the Bible says about how Christians are to spend their time. We live in a country where citizens are raised to live free. This has been interpreted to mean that one can do anything they want to do. No one is going to tell us how to live our lives, especially when it comes to worshipping God. In politics, this may be fine, even though in that realm there still must be responsibility and accountability. But, with God there is specific demands on our time. We have a job to do, and it takes time to do it. That time begins with the assembling of ourselves together with the people of God to study, to edify, and to worship. The Lord’s Supper is the most glorious commemoration of the greatest event in the history of creation. But, what a great privilege it is to come together, in freedom, to worship God and study His will on Wednesday night or Sunday night or in any Bible class the church has deemed important. Are you doing your part in these opportunities? #