Hindrances to Obedience to

the Lord (5)

Charles Maples, Sr.

After having considered in previous studies on this theme; Lack of Interest, Lack of Knowledge/Understanding, False Teachers, and Prejudice, we want to conclude the series with what might be; if not the greatest hindrance; at least one of the most prevalent among those who do understand and acknowledge that they must; in order to have the Salvation that has been provided by the Savior, obey His Will (cf. Hebrews 5:8ff); yet HINDERED by PROCRASTINATION!  We often hear, “I know that is what I must do, and I aim to do so, some time.”

PROCRASTINATION,” is defined as, “To postpone doing something,” or “putting off doing something that we acknowledge that we should do,” or  “to put off, from day to day; to defer; to postpone…” – (Webster)  So far as I know, this word is not found in any translation of Inspired Scripture, but here, again, we do have the PRINCIPLE revealed, and WARNED against in the Scriptures a number of times!!

We read in Acts 26:24-25 the case of the apostle Paul’s efforts to persuade Felix and Drusilla on the subjects of “…righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come,” that, although Felix, “trembled,” his response was, “Go away for now, when I have a convenient time, I will call for you…”  But, so far as his obedience to the Lord in those matters, so far as we know, that “convenient time” never came!   And then we have in Acts 26 the case of the apostle’s preaching before King Agrippa, in which the king; replying to Paul’s statement that he knew Agrippa did “believe the prophets… You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”  And yet, so far as we have record, the King was never “altogether” persuaded to obey the Savior, as the apostle urged him (V. 29).

Now, I am sure that none, or few of us would be completely free from ever “postponing” something that we really recognise that we should do “NOW!”  And it might be that you, or someone you know is an “Habitual Procrastinator!” [Whose thinking seems to be, “Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow!“] I must confess that I sometimes get to thinking; since I get “so far behind” with things that “I Intend To Do,” that I might rank very high on that list.  And it might be that some, or many of those matters are of considerable importance.   But when, as the two cases given above from the Book of Acts, it has to with The Will of God; and the eternal welfare of OUR SOULS, then that’s an entirely different matter! And this is the application we have under consideration in this study!

I think it very unlikely that you/I have ever known a person, who believes in what the Bible has to say about Hell, who “plans” to go there!  And, neither have I known someone who believes what the Bible teaches about Heaven, who does not “hope to go there when I die!”  But I am afraid that many, many people who at least “profess” to believe both of the above will miss Heaven; and that means to “go to Hell,” simply because of “PROCRASTINATION!”

HEAR THE WORD OF GOD: “Behold NOW is the accepted time; TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!” [Isa. 49:8; 2 Cor. 6:1-2]   It might have been that the five “foolish” virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 “planned” to either have enough oil, or go and replenish their supply, but they failed to be “ready” when the door was opened! The Psalmist warns us that when (our) “spirit departs, (we) return to the earth; (then) that very day (our) plans perish!” (Psa. 146:4)

One thing about our procrastination, when it has to do with Spiritual matters, it is an indication of our attitude toward our God, and His plan for the salvation of our eternal souls! – OUR PRIORITIES!  Our Perfect Example; the Lord Jesus Christ; tells us that we should “Seek FIRST the kingdom of God, and His Righteousness….!” (Matthew 6:33) And this He surely did, as we read in His “testimonial” Prayer to His Father in John seventeen!  We should be URGENT in following His example, as expressed even in His early childhood, “…know ye not that I must be about my Father’s Business!” (Luke 2:49)

Finally, hear the words of urgent advice of “the wise man,” as recorded in Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.”   HINDRANCES to our OBEDIENCE TO THE LORD; whatever form they might take; can never enhance our chances of Heaven; but can surely make it doubtful that we will be among those who, on the DAY OF JUDGMENT, will hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter … Enter into the joy of our Lord.”(Matthew 25:21, 24.  NOW is the only time we have; indeed “NOW is the accepted time!”

IN CONCLUSION: Let us summarize our series on this subject of  HINDRANCES TO OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF THE LORD, Who desires, so fervently, that we come to be with Him in Heaven that He was willing to suffer the most cruel death that murderous men could devise!   Whether it be LACK OF INTEREST, or LACK OF KNOWLEDGE/UNDERSTANDING, or FALSE TEACHERS, or PREJUDICE, or PROCRASTINATION, THE RESULTS WILL BE THE SAME! – – our hearing Him; now Our Savior, but then OUR JUDGE; SAY TO US, “DEPART FROM ME…I NEVER KNEW YOU… THESE SHALL GO AWAY TO EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT…!” (Matthew 25:31-46)    Please, Prayerfully “Think On These Things!”