Vol. 11  No. 1 – September, 2013

“Don’t Preach to Me”

E.R. Hall Jr.

In regard to religious and moral matters, a major portion of today’s society doesn’t want to be preached to. For preachers or anyone to insist upon an agenda where the commands and principles of God’s word are to be applied in folk’s lives, many have the attitude, “Don’t preach to me!”. Yet, these same individuals allow other “preachers” to preach to them and they delight in what they hear and are eager to conform their thinking and their lives to the message of these preachers. To what other “preachers” am I referring?

PREACHERS OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY. The rock, rap, heavy metal, and country music singers are preachers. When you consider the definition of “preacher” and what it involves, Webster defines it as “to declare in public”, “to proclaim”, “to deliver a sermon”. “Sermon” is defined as “a serious talk on behavior or responsibility.” Are not all these ingredients in the songs that singers sing? Are they not advocating and proclaiming their agenda for a certain type of behavior upon their listeners? What about the message of violence, hate, fornication, lying, and lose morals that far too many of these preachers advocate?  Let’s get our heads out of the sand and realize that preachers aren’t just in pulpits but they are on CD’s, VH-1, MTV, and CMT preaching their message with the lyrics of the songs they sing. There is more to this than just pure entertainment. A message is being sent.

PREACHERS OF THE TALK SHOWS. Television and radio are filled throughout any twenty-four hour period with talk shows. They all have their agenda which is generally to bring about a point of view intended to affect the way we think on a variety of social, political, and moral matters. Talk show hosts fit every aspect of the definition for preachers but, in far too many instances, their message is anti-Christian and anti-moral. Public opinion is easily swayed by these smooth talking sympathizers of a new morality. A message is being sent and we are the receivers of it.