The Procrastinating Servant

Jack Williams

14 years old – “I’ve just become a Christian, I don’t know enough and I’m still too young to be involved in the work of the church.”

16 years old – “l’ve just got my driver’s license. I have to work to take care of my driving expenses. And of course this is the time in my life when I am very busy with friends, and you wouldn’t believe all the school activities I have!  I’ll get involved a little later.”

18 years old – “I just graduated from high school! Now I need a little time for myself before I enter the ‘real world.’  I’ll have more time for the work of the church later.”

20 years old – “I never knew college took so much time! When I get out and on my own I’ll have time for church work then.”

22 years old – “Boy, did you have any idea how hard it was to get started in the work place? It takes all my energy to get my career on line. And on top of that I just got married… I have to spend time to mold my new family life, too. In a couple of years I’ll be ready to really dig into the work of the church.”

24 years old – “Children! I never believed my parents when they told me how much time and money it took to raise them. I sure don’t have time for the work of the church now … but when my kids get older I’ll be able to do my share of the work then.”

36 years old – “It seems the older the kids get the more they are involved in! Home from work, then to the school functions, then sports … I’ll be glad when the kids get older so I can really be involved in the work of the church.”

46 years old – “I’ve never had so much fun! Grandchildren! I should have had them first (Ha!). I can’t deprive them … when they get older I’ll be able to really be involved in the church.”

56 years old – “I’m on my last push at work now. I’ve got to really bear down for a few years now so I can be ready for retirement. And of course we have our place at the lake we’re fixing up. In a few years I’ll be able to quit the ‘rat race’ and really get involved in the church.”

66 years old – “Retirement at last! I’ve worked hard so many years and now I can enjoy the fruit of my efforts. It’s time now for the young ones here at church to carry on and let us ‘veterans’ rest a little.”

Instead of such a person as described above, isn’t it great to see people who can use their abilities in God’s service NOW?  Which are YOU?