Vol. 11 No.5 – January, 2013

Honoring Men Above God

Frank Himmel

Hophni and Phinehas were despicable priests. Eli, their father, verbally rebuked them, but he did nothing further to restrain their abusive conduct. As a result, God brought judgment on Eli and his house. The Lord’s complaint to Eli was, “Why did you . . . honor your sons above Me?” (1 Samuel 2:29).

Perhaps few would admit to honoring men above God, yet it is not all that unusual. Do we not do so. . .

  • When we dismiss what the Bible says in favor of what some preacher told us? 2 Timothy 4:3-4
  • When we are more concerned with the world’s view of our appearance than God’s? 1 Timothy 2:9-10
  • When we marry someone whom God has said is not eligible to marry? Matthew 19:9
  • When we put social activities ahead of worship? Matthew 6:33
  • When due to peer pressure we compromise our morals? 1 Corinthians 15:33
  • When we refuse to preach on certain subjects for fear it might “turn off” some people? Luke 9:26